Monday, May 21, 2007

Lamb Snatchers Inc.

♪"Miguel had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Miguel had a little lamb, a lamb he did not own"♪ ... Today we went back to Miguel's property in the countryside. We went there today to hold a ceremony for peace between Israel and Palestine. I can't remember what it was called (too many syllables), but basically people all around the world were simultaneously lighting fires and praying for a swift, peaceful resolution to the conflict. It was very beautiful experience. This leads me to my next point...You don't have to be saintly to pray. One of Miguel's neighbors owns 5 lambs. These lambs have taken a liking to grazing on his property (I must add that when I referred to it as "his" property, Miguel replied "I don't own this land, I just look after it." That was nice:) Anyway, yesterday Miguel once again confronted the neighbor and asked him to take care of the problem. Miguel is trying to plant trees all around the property, but the lambs eat everything in sight, including the trees. So after all the praying, Miguel gets this evil grin and tells us "the plan". Miguel and this older Quechuan gentleman were to sneak off to the left while I was to sneak to the right. We made our way up the side of the mountain. The lambs in the meantime were happily eating trees. Miguel and the Quechuan made their move. The lambs freaked out started running in my direction. I jumped up and scared them back in the other direction. Miguel grabs one by the legs and, with the help of the Quuchuan man, starts carrying it down the mountain. Mission accomplished!!! Yep, that's right... I participated in my first lambnapping! We put the lamb in the larger house on the left (see previous entry) and are going to keep it there until the neighbor fixes the problem. (To the lambs credit, the other 4 came looking for the 5th after an extensive conversation across several properties) So I guess until the neighbor can fix the problem, we are holding his animal lambsom...

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